Art: Mind (Altering) Machines

Challenge: To produce a device that can propel the human mind into a state of hallucination, without the use of
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Show: Cafe of Contemporary Art (northVan)

Artwork Presented: Mind MachineWhere: North Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaWhen: Sep. 2009Artists: N/A
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Work: Dr. Nick Bontis

Challenge: Dr. Bontis is an exceptional individual who has established a successful career and earned a global reputation for his
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Show: E-Mixer

Title: E-MixerWhere: Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC.When: Nov 19, 2009Artists: N/AArtwork: Zeugen
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Art: LED Shoes for Adults

Challenge: T  Solutions: W Results: G Skills Needed: H Location(s): N Date / Duration: 2017-18Team: Morgan Rauscher.
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Lab: Gaze Tracking

Challenge: Produce a more affordable, working gase tracking tool for the analysis of eye movements with applications in anthropomorphized robotics.
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Lab: Quick EEG Review – EXPAND HUGE

Challenge: Work with the earliest released Emotiv to get a head start on transcoding brain waves into instructions for data
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Talks: Short Introduction to Electricity and Coding for Artists

Challenge: What is the best way to share high-tech ideas with low-tech students? Artists are creative and can use
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