“E-Plants” & The Path of Light [*2024]

Challenge: To showcase the fundamental principles, research, and construction notes for a powerful new type of artificially generated light I have invented.

Solutions: Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of my invention? Join me for an online lecture series and introductory course that will not only introduce you to the concept but also give you a practical understanding of how it functions.

Complex Resonant Harmonic Lightwave & Frequency Generator

Copyright © 2010 Dr. Morgan Rauscher.

Results: Lecture Series (to be posted 2024).

*Registration will be by invitation only and opens in May 2024.

✵Beneficial Prerequisites

8.02x – MIT Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism: Lectures by Walter Lewin.


Ideally, participants have pre-exposure to Volta, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, Jacques & Pierre Curie, N. Tesla, Marconi, Maxwell, Edison, Einstein, and any or all presence at Niagara Falls during the initial discoveries.

Additional Optional: Exposure to Eric P. Dollard “monopolar electronics” and or concepts and my latest notions of time:


Dr. Morgan Rauscher presents a revolutionary step in the field of urban agriculture and sustainability. This vision blends advanced technology with ecological harmony to address some of the most pressing challenges of modern society.

Transforming Urban Agriculture with Advanced Technology

The idea of growing food in any indoor space, even in total darkness, using a “complex resonant harmonic frequency light generation” presents a groundbreaking approach to agriculture. This technology, by increasing food production rates fourfold and drastically reducing water and energy consumption, could revolutionize how we think about farming and food production.

The Ecological and Societal Impacts

Imagine the profound impact on huge metropolises: the elimination of large-scale logistics and the reduction of industrial farming would not only lessen the environmental footprint but also promote local, sustainable food sources. Allowing nature to reclaim areas outside cities could lead to a significant rebalancing of ecosystems.

Harmonizing with Nature’s Systems

The most intriguing aspect of this vision is the harmonization of the food-producing device with the natural structures and systems of plants. By replicating prehistoric conditions, plants could potentially thrive as never before, leading to highly nutritious produce with remarkable immunological benefits.

The Path Forward

While this idea might seem like a distant dream, it’s rooted in real technological advancements and ecological understanding. As we progress in fields like artificial lighting, genetic understanding of plants, and sustainable urban design, a future where food is grown intelligently and harmoniously within our cities becomes increasingly plausible. This vision not only promises a solution to food scarcity and environmental degradation but also a healthier, more sustainable relationship between urban life and nature.

Spunn Woven Lighting (DR. M.R.)